Wednesday, July 15, 2015


I am pro-life.  I will never be convinced that killing babies is a good thing.  The brutal elimination of millions of innocent babies is heartbreaking, gut-wrenching and unacceptable.  Just hearing any detail about abortions (including the latest story of Planned Parenthood selling baby parts) makes me want to curl up in a ball and cry my eyes out. 

It really bothers me that every four years, the latest liberal politician running for President reaches out to women to assure them that their right to kill their unborn babies will be protected.  As if murdering babies is of utmost importance to all American women.  The miracle of life that grows in a woman’s womb is something that should be revered, honored, respected, and cherished.  So how did we get to the point in America where politicians win elections by assuring women they’ll be able to continue killing their babies? 

Without going into biological details that I’m sure everyone already knows (though some like to ignore), I firmly believe that innocent human life should be protected and respected, regardless of what stage that life is in.  I am horrified that our country is ok with choosing a stage of human life – the most important stage – and discarding it like trash. 

What if one day our country chose another stage of human life and decided it was ok to eliminate life at that stage?  Teenagers?  Elderly?  Why is it okay to kill humans at one stage, but not another?  Why did our country decide that the beginning stage of human life is worthless?  It seems only logical that the first stage of human life is also the most important.  Yet more than 3,000 unborn babies are killed each day in America.  They’ll never know the American dream, because apparently the new American dream is the ability to legally have your unborn baby ripped from your womb and discarded like trash. 

A baby growing inside a woman who doesn’t want that baby is just as alive and important as a baby growing inside a woman who does want her baby.  There is no difference in the “aliveness” of the babies.  People have come to believe that their own personal feelings about the life growing inside them dictate whether it’s actually a life or not.  Rationalization does not equal truth. 

Remember the story of the pregnant woman in Colorado that answered a Craigslist ad and got her baby cut out of her stomach?  Everyone who heard that story was shocked and horrified.  But what if there was a follow-up story that the woman didn’t want her baby and was going to get an abortion anyway…?  Would everyone who initially felt shocked and horrified turn around and decide it wasn’t tragic after all?  That kind of about-face would be very hard to justify.

Many pro-choice advocates claim it’s acceptable to kill an unborn baby because they aren’t “viable.”  They rely on their mother to live, so it’s really up to the mom whether the baby should live or die.  This argument contains no logic.  Have you ever heard of a newborn baby feeding itself, walking to Target to purchase diapers, swaddling and clothing itself, scheduling its pediatrician appointments, etc?  Newborn humans are the most vulnerable and helpless of all mammals.  We are completely dependent for quite some time.  In fact, a baby’s first 3 months is often called the 4th trimester, since they are so dependent on their mother.  So should the abortion argument still apply to newborns, infants, and toddlers?  Babies rely on their parents to survive, so it’s up to the parents if they want to kill their baby…? 

Another point regarding “viability”.  According to this argument, human life that is helpless on its own should not be protected, and it’s acceptable to kill the most helpless of our species.  So what about people receiving life-saving surgeries and treatment?  Their lives are dependent on medical professionals, so does that mean their life is meaningless and someone can decide to just kill them because they’re 100% dependent on someone else to survive?  Why do we even bother saving people from burning buildings?  They’re helpless so they’re worthless, right?  I’m just following the “logic” of pro-choice advocates.

Many people love to compare humans to the animal kingdom, especially in instances of mass killings.  Animals are so much more kind and loving.  They certainly don’t go around killing their own species like humans do.  Well in that same thought process, animals certainly don’t go around ripping their own offspring from their wombs and killing them by the millions. 

Abortion is a war on babies and women.  It amazes me that “reproductive health” is referenced when promoting abortion.  Really?  It’s reproductively healthy to reproduce and then kill that offspring?  Obviously it’s not healthy for the baby, and it’s definitely not healthy for the mother.  Many women live to regret their abortions.  They bear deep emotional and many times physical scars.  For some women, that abortion in their past will never leave their mind.  And sometimes, that abortion in their past makes future children impossible.  It turns out that when it comes to the “reproductive health of women”, abortions can make it difficult to conceive again, or to carry to term.  What a devastating thing to do to women, and to claim it’s a women’s rights issue. 

Our society (more specifically – liberal politicians and abortion profiteers) encourages women to kill their unwanted, unborn babies.  Why aren’t we encouraging life instead?  Wouldn’t that be a better reflection on our society, to promote and cherish life instead of death?  Why aren’t we incentivizing and encouraging women to carry their babies to term and give their babies up for adoption?  I think a lot of people would be much more comfortable with their tax dollars funding initiatives that respect life and offer women options and opportunities for themselves and their babies.  Whether it’s education, prenatal care, and assistance in the beginning of the baby’s life, or whether it’s adoption assistance. 

I mention tax dollars, since tax payers are revoltingly forced to partially fund Planned Parenthood.  Of course there are already charities and non-profits in place with pro-life missions, and I am all for private organizations doing this kind of work instead of the government.  But as much as I love small government, I love life more.  I’d be willing to have tax payer money fund pro-life initiatives, because human life is worth it, and so is America’s soul.

In the heartbreaking cases of rape and incest, abortion is not a humane option.  A woman who survived rape is already traumatized and scarred for life.  Having her offspring (yes, it’s her offspring, not just the rapist’s) ripped from her body and discarded like trash can only serve to traumatize her further.  That baby becomes the rapist’s second victim, and the woman is victimized a second time.  Some women choose to raise the baby that came from rape, and others choose to give that baby up for adoption.  I’m not saying any of these options are easy, but they are the most humane and compassionate.  Tax payer money would be much better spent assisting these women and their babies, rather than contributing to death.

Responsible birth control, without the fallback option of a quickie abortion, is what our country needs.  The absence of an abortion option would greatly reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies, I firmly believe this.  All women should have access to affordable birth control options (which they already do – condoms included).  In the case of an unwanted pregnancy, there are millions of people that would love to adopt.  And in the rare case of pregnancies that threaten the life of the mother, those are heartbreaking and personal medical decisions for the mother and father.

Just some final thoughts on how our society has descended to this point.  Abortion has become a game of semantics and rationalization.  Babies are not called babies by the abortion profiteers – they are fetuses.  A woman getting an abortion calls her baby a fetus.  A woman who is happy about her pregnancy calls her baby a baby.  No one throws a “Fetus Shower.”  No one registers at Fetus’s R Us.  No one happily announces their pregnancy by saying, “I’m excited to announce that I have a fetus in my uterus!”  No woman shows off her growing Fetus Bump in cute monthly photos. 

So how does our society get away with stripping babies of their right to life?  Call it a fetus, question its viability, claim it’s not truly a life until it breathes oxygen.  Do everything possible to rationalize abortion with semantics.  Make women believe that somehow, their own personal feelings about the life growing inside them dictate whether it’s actually a life or not.  Somehow this wordplay has taken root in our society, and it’s a very successful way of getting people to ignore reality.

Abortion is not a necessary component of society, but many Americans have become convinced that it is.  History will look back on us and judge us harshly.  I’m on the right side of this issue, the side that respects human life.  The side that looks at an ultrasound and marvels at the miracle of life, with the same sense of awe and wonder as when I first laid eyes on my newborn baby.  What side are you on?

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