Monday, September 21, 2015

Abortion and the Planned Parenthood Videos

All stages of human life are in fact human life.  You can’t have one stage without a previous stage.  A 20 week old fetus can’t exist without having first been a zygote.  A newborn baby can’t exist without having first been a 20 week old fetus.  A toddler can’t exist without having first been a newborn baby.  A 10 year old child can’t exist without having first been a toddler.  A teenager can’t exist without having first been a 10 year old.  An adult can’t exist without having first been a teenager.

And obviously therefore, an adult can’t exist without first having been a zygote, a 20-week old fetus, a newborn baby, a toddler, a 10-year-old child, a teenager.

So if you are fine with taking human life at certain stages, why aren’t you fine with taking human life at other stages – teenagers, elderly?  Why is it morally acceptable at one stage and not another?   A human life growing inside a woman is not an elective organ of hers. It is a separate human life that will one day grow through all of the stages you were blessed to grow through yourself.  Unless someone takes that unborn baby’s life.

People who claim the Planned Parenthood videos are heavily edited and doctored are adopting a defensive posture that concedes the videos are so awful they MUST be doctored.  So once these people accept the FACT that they were simply edited for time (and the full length videos show the same content), then these people therefore accept that the content is awful and reflects Planned Parenthood’s lack of humanity.

Taking the life of an unborn baby at any stage is unacceptable in my book, but even more so when they are fully formed and feel pain.  To say otherwise shows no respect at all for human life.  

Planned Parenthood is not the only place in this country where women (including poor women) can receive health care.  For one thing, didn’t Obamacare and massive subsidies ensure that people who can’t pay for health care don’t have to worry about that anymore?  So why should tax payers have to pay for other people’s health care, AND fund Planned Parenthood?  Especially when people like me, and a lot of people in this country, are fundamentally opposed to abortion. 

Incidentally - people who say tax payer money doesn't go towards abortions don't understand business and finance.  If a donation of money to a business allows it to operate, then that donation props up all aspects of that business.  You can't pour a bucket of water into a pool and assure me that water will remain in the deep end.

There are thousands of free health care clinics across the country that assist poor people, without any ties to abortion.  Many of those clinics receive no federal funding and rely on charitable donations and state funding.  The clinics are undeniably underfunded, considering the millions of people they see annually and the millions they have to turn away.  Why shouldn’t tax payer money go to those non-profit clinics instead of Planned Parenthood? 

You’d have a hard time convincing me that Planned Parenthood’s 700 clinics are somehow more important and more deserving of federal funding than the thousands of free non-profit clinics in this country.   

Planned Parenthood performs more abortions annually than France, Germany, and Canada combined.  In many other western countries, abortions are outlawed after the first trimester.  But not here in America.  Killing a baby in the womb that can feel pain, and that has limbs, heart, lungs, liver, brain – why should Americans be bothered by something so trivial… Well, it bothers the conscience of other countries.

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