Friday, November 20, 2015
American Law is not Found Within a Poem
Friday, November 6, 2015
Ben Carson, Barack Obama and Blatant Media Bias
Monday, September 21, 2015
Abortion and the Planned Parenthood Videos
And obviously therefore, an adult can’t exist without first having been a zygote, a 20-week old fetus, a newborn baby, a toddler, a 10-year-old child, a teenager.
So if you are fine with taking human life at certain stages, why aren’t you fine with taking human life at other stages – teenagers, elderly? Why is it morally acceptable at one stage and not another? A human life growing inside a woman is not an elective organ of hers. It is a separate human life that will one day grow through all of the stages you were blessed to grow through yourself. Unless someone takes that unborn baby’s life.
People who claim the Planned Parenthood videos are heavily edited and doctored are adopting a defensive posture that concedes the videos are so awful they MUST be doctored. So once these people accept the FACT that they were simply edited for time (and the full length videos show the same content), then these people therefore accept that the content is awful and reflects Planned Parenthood’s lack of humanity.
Taking the life of an unborn baby at any stage is unacceptable in my book, but even more so when they are fully formed and feel pain. To say otherwise shows no respect at all for human life.
Friday, September 18, 2015
Political Correctness - Disarming Teachers of Their Only Defense
Don't get me wrong - I applaud his scientific and creative mind, and his thirst for knowledge. We DO need more of that. But clearing things with your school in advance is a wise policy.
Friday, August 28, 2015
Planned Parenthood Propaganda: Debunking the 3% Myth
Monday, August 10, 2015
Go Home, Donald Trump. You're Drunk.
Donald Trump is like that new boyfriend that seems so great in the beginning, says all the things you've been longing to hear, and then 3 weeks into the relationship you find out he's married and lives in his parent's basement with his family of 8.
For a while there, people like me were cautiously excited to have a Republican Presidential candidate that seemed to have a spine, didn't take any guff from the media, and doubled down instead of backing down. We have waited a long time for someone in our party who stands firm with their beliefs and doesn't apologize for those beliefs. And while Donald Trump is the last person we would have wanted or expected, he seemed to show up at a time when people wanted and needed his blunt persona.
However, Trump showed his true colors at the first debate, in an environment he could not control. Trump is not what we wanted. He's not what we all had hoped for. He is a wolf in wolf's clothing. He is barely Republican, much less Conservative. His incredibly liberal past is problematic. His motives for being in the race are now questionable at best, selfish and malicious at worst.
A third party run would be devastating to the Republicans' chances, which he knows. I firmly believe his lead won't last, and then he'll start his third party run. If he does that, it assures another Liberal president, and more problems for America. So why don't all Republicans see this? What is going on here?
I'm confused as to why he still has support. His blunt personality was refreshing for a little while. But in reality, his bluntness is born of a crass narcissism and a lack of any intelligent, original thoughts. He speaks forcefully, not intelligently. He speaks in sound bites, and when pressed for more, he is combative and not articulate. From what I have seen, he lacks any ability to debate an issue and back up his statements. Maybe you can go to his website and it's all clear there, but I have yet to see an interview or a debate answer that demonstrates he has any depth or ability to discuss issues.
He didn't even show any wit during the debate. When he was asked about some comment he made about a woman on her knees, at the very least, a witty reply would have been to reference Bill Clinton - a former President skilled in the art of taking advantage of women in actions, not just words... But no, Trump couldn't even be witty. He was unable to turn things back around on the moderators during questions he felt were unfair. And this was Fox - what will happen with CNN moderators? I'm so disappointed to see someone with zero debate skills, zero ability to articulate his ideas, and zero wit come out of the debate and still be in the lead.
I get it on some level - people are fed up with the media and they thought Trump was hit with more gotcha questions than the others. But come on, if you go around using derogatory language about women (and men) time after time, it's relevant to bring it up on a national stage. Whatever the context was for each instance (from what I understand, most instances were Trump firing back at people that insulted him first), the fact remains that Trump responds with knee-jerk name calling. It's good to know that about him.
We can't have a President who acts so childish. A President must have some class, maturity, and decorum. Trump has none of those qualities. And Conservatives, the party of family values, should not want a President that would be put in time-out if it was an elementary school and not the international stage. Is he 100% someone you would want your kids to look up to and emulate?
To be clear though - I'm more offended by Obama's and Hillary's actions than by Trump's words. By far. My desire to bring America back from the edge is why I'm now being so critical of Donald Trump. We can't go around saying that at least our guy isn't as bad as theirs. We should want to say that our guy (or woman) is a hundred times better on every level than their candidate.
Trump has served a purpose. He showed the other candidates that your popularity grows when you don't back down. He has shown them that you shouldn't play by the media's rules all the time. And he has shined a spotlight on matters that the American people care about and are angry about. His polls should prove to other candidates that we are tired of the bought and paid for establishment political class. But that's about it.
I don't trust Donald Trump, and I don't respect him. Can you, as a Conservative, truly get behind a man with such a liberal background, such a childish mentality, and such poor communication? I hope your answer is no. We need strength and character in our next President, and we need our next President to be Conservative. For those reasons, Donald Trump must go.